Antoinette Jordaine
Becoming a mother for the first time has truly uplifted my spirit to spread as much magic as I can, as I had a difficult journey. The Chelsea Fire Station Mural is a project I’ve wanted to do for years, so when given the opportunity I did everything in my power to make it work whilst dealing with the trenches mentally and physically of being postpartum. I feel truly honoured, and I am so grateful to Sloane Stanley for the support. This piece was created with love, life, family, and positivity in mind. To me Chelsea embodies all these things, it is home. I’m a strong believer in using words to affirm your life. Speaking words into existence really does work, and I’ve trialled and tested it for most of my life, so now it has become a necessity on this voyage and for me to incorporate it in my artwork.
Dedicated to the baby loves of my life, Allegra, Ron, and Zigi and entitled ‘My Endless Love’ – From the song by Diana Ross & Lionel Richie which was my parents wedding song and is now the song for my daughter. The wall embodies writings of the things that I love, and all that means the most to me.
My design inspiration is from a plethora of sources. I’ve always been heavily influenced by the Art Deco era, Bauhaus, Matisse, Mondrian, architecture and interiors, my love of shapes, lines, words, travels and just what I’m feeling and experiencing in my life at the time. Primary colours have also always been my favourites. My 3 little magical colours to remind me to come back to oneself, and that everything starts with you.
The feedback from the mural has been so heartwarming, I would love for it to continue putting a smile on the faces of passersby and remind them that no matter what, all will be ok in the end